Include option to use Azure subscription Id instead of subscription for local folder structure
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Great that we can now select subscription/resourceGroup/automationAccount as our local folder structure.
However, when working with multiple tenants, we could encounter issues where subscriptions are named equally.
An improvement would be to use the unique subscription id.
This option could be a third option to include for the local folder structure:
Base Path / subscriptionId/resourceGroup/automationAccount
Hi @yvesrosius , agreed this can be the problem in this scenario.
Thanks for suggesting improvement, will discuss with team and address this scenario.
I'm trying to solve the following scenario: I have a repo, which among others contains also all runbooks in a folder "automation". I'd like to keep developing runbooks in this folder under source control.
What is the designated way to be able to sync the runbooks locally to a folder under the current repo, modify them, test them using this extension, and finally commit the changes and deploy the latest version to the automation account?
Is there maybe a need for an additional option to store runbooks in a subfolder in the current repo?