
When trying to update the VS Code Plugin v0.15.9 you get an error :

StephenWeatherford opened this issue · 5 comments

from @tshaiman

          when trying to update the VS Code Plugin v0.15.9 you get an error : 
2023-03-23 03:31:56.154 [info] [perf] Render performance baseline is 16ms
2023-03-23 03:32:14.432 [error] RequestService#request (browser) - error {"name":"Canceled"}
2023-03-23 03:32:22.643 [error] Signature: PackageIntegrityCheckFailed
    at (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:468)
    at async X.x (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:20760)
    at async X.h (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:18897)
2023-03-23 03:32:22.663 [error] PackageIntegrityCheckFailed: Signature: PackageIntegrityCheckFailed
    at (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:468)
    at async X.x (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:20760)
    at async X.h (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/tshaiman/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/node/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:91:18897)

Originally posted by @tshaiman in #1557 (comment)

That's weird. As I mentioned, I saw that yesterday, too, but was able to install it manually, and it looked like it probably was coming from another extension.

Telemetry indicates that over 1600 people are running the new version, so presumably installation wasn't an issue for them. Several hundred of those are Mac/Linux (the machine it failed on for me yesterday was a Mac - my Windows machine didn't have any issues installing automatically today).

All that said, I was able to repro on Windows after upgrading vscode. Trying to figure out what's going on.

it’s not arbitrary, happens 100% of times
OS: windows 11 / latest VS code

@tshaiman I updated the version to 0.15.10 and republished (no other changes), and I am no longer seeing the problem. Could you try updating to 0.15.10? Thanks.

@StephenWeatherford Fixed Confirmed! 💯

Still no idea what happened, but very happy. Thanks for pointing it out.