
All subscriptions still show in RESOURCES view after unchecking all subscriptions in “Select Subscriptions" option

v-ruizh opened this issue · 1 comments

OS: Win10
Build Version: 20230726.3

Repro Steps:

  1. Sign in to Azure.
  2. All subscriptions auto-show in RESOURCES view.
  3. Click “Select Subscriptions…” icon -> Uncheck all subscriptions.
  4. Check whether the "Select Subscriptions..." item shows in RESOURCES view.

The "Select Subscriptions..." option shows in RESOURCES view.

All subscriptions still show in RESOURCES view.

This is by-design, we have changed the behavior of the select subscriptions slightly so that if zero subscriptions are returned by the filter--i.e., all were unselected--that is treated the same as no filter at all, so all subscriptions will be returned.