
Cannot list subscriptions for AzureChina

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • VS Code Version: 1.85.1
  • Azure Account Extension Version: v0.11.6
  • OS Version: Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2

Does your account belong to more than one directory? (see your directories here): No

Any other information about your Azure account that may be useful:
Azure View doesn't consider setting. It's always connected to Azure Cloud tenant.
After set "": "AzureChinaCloud", and run cmdlet 'Sign in to Azure Cloud' then choose 'Azure China', after sussessful login, I can see my subscriptions via cmdlet 'Azure: Select Subscriptions', note this cmdlet is not the one with 3dots in the end 'Azure: Select Subscriptions...'.
But the setting doesn't affect Azure View resource list. The resource list remains logged out, if click 'Sign in to Azure...', it always sign in to Azure Cloud, instead of Azure China Cloud.

As of v0.8.0 of the Azure Resources extension, the Azure Account extension is no longer used for authentication. Read more about this change here.

The account indicator at the bottom is from Azure Account and is no longer connected to the Azure Resource extension.

For Azure US Gov, make sure you follow the instructions on the Azure Resources readme. Specifically about setting the microsoft-sovereign-cloud.environment setting.

This issue has been closed automatically because it needs more information and has not had recent activity. See also our issue reporting guidelines.

Happy Coding!