Using Personal account with works email ( Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription – MPN subscription)
RollsChris opened this issue · 2 comments
RollsChris commented
I am logging in and select the personal login flow using my works email in hopes of accessing my Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription – MPN subscription.
When i select: Azure: Select Subscription i can see my Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription – MPN subscription and i select it.
Nothing happens in the Azure extension panel and it still shows:
When i select that, it starts showing me subscriptions from the work side of my email? so not my personal directory?
Anyone know what could be causing this?
I have checked to see if there is an env variable setting these values but there is not.
alexweininger commented
@RollsChris, did you end up fixing your issue?
RollsChris commented
Hi yes, it just started working randomly