
An error occurs after opening a blob container in the explorer

v-chenzha opened this issue · 3 comments

OS: Win10
Azure Resource Group Build Version: 20230215.10
Azure Storage Build Version: v0.15.1

Repro Steps:

  1. Create a storage account -> Create a new blob container -> Right click the blob container -> Click "Open in Explorer..." -> Click "Open in current window".
  2. Check whether no error occurs.

No error occurs.

An error occurs.

More info:

  1. This issue also reproduces when opening in a new window and adding to workspace.
  2. This issue also reproduces for the file share.

That's a new one! I cannot reproduce it. It seems like a service issue, hopefully unrelated to any v2 changes.

@alexweininger Verified on the latest main branch Resource Groups extension build 20230219.1, this issue still reproduces for now.
It takes about 3 minutes to load after selecting open in explorer, and then the error will pop up.

Marking as wont fix.