
An error occurs when executing "Download by SAS Url..." for a blob which name contains a space

v-chenzha opened this issue · 3 comments

OS: Win10
Build Version: 20230703.1
Regression: Not a regression

Repro steps:

  1. Create a storage account -> Create a blob container.
  2. Right click the blob container -> Click "Create Empty Blob..." -> Type "a a".
  3. Right click the blob -> Click "Generate & Copy SAS Token and URL".
  4. F1 -> Azure Storage: Download by SAS Url... -> Select a folder -> Enter.
  5. Check whether succeeds to download the blob.

Succeed to download the blob.

An error occurs.

More Info:
This issue also reproduces for file share.

We may have to encode the string so special characters doesn't screw this up.

This issue also reproduces for the empty blob/empty file named with GB18030 language.