Extension Process Interval Issue and Busy Cursor Bug with ESLint
kokororin opened this issue · 7 comments
The extension process repeatedly calls the following command:
Code.exe -e "var p = process;p.on('message',function(m){if(m.c==='e'){p.exit(0);}else if(m.c==='rs'){try{var r=require.resolve(m.a);p.send({c:'r',s:true,r:r});}catch(err){p.send({c:'r',s:false});}}});" ""
Additionally, my mouse cursor is continuously in the busy state when the ESLint extension in VSCode is enabled. Disabling ESLint resolves this issue.
@kokororin can you provide me with a GitHub repository I can clone with a minimal setup that demos that. The process does some module resolving and should actually only happen once. So there is something special with your setup which I would like to understand.
@dbaeumer Here is a minimal repo: https://github.com/kokororin/eslint-cursor-reproduction
Please refer to the README.md for reproduction steps. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that this issue does not occur when I downgrade VSCode to version 1.93. It only appears in versions above 1.93.
@dbaeumer This issue can be reproduced on all my Windows machines. When I set "eslint.debug": "true", the output becomes abnormal, continuously logging without stopping. Please refer to the provided screenshots and log files. If I use VSCode 1.93, the output behaves normally, logging only a few times. I suspect this might be the root cause of the issue.
What is strange with the log is the fact that it doesn't contain any information about how long liniting took which is an indication that the linting didn't finish.
After I switched my ESLint config to flat, the problem disappeared.