
Method sendRawTelemetryEvent sends telemetry values in the form of key: key instead of key:value

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This has been noticed by the Copilot data science team during their analysis of the internal Copilot telemetry data. In this internal data, currently the data is displayed as:

request : request

Instead of:

request: <some request>

I still see those values in the telemetry dated 8/30,8/31 if I run

AppEvents | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) and TimeGenerated <= ago(0d) | where Name contains 'interactiveSessionResponse' //| where isnotempty(Properties['problems']) and isnotempty(Properties['request']) | extend request = tostring(Properties['request']) | extend problems = tostring(Properties['problems']) | extend diagnosticCodes = tostring(Properties['diagnosticCodes']) | where request == "request" | project TimeGenerated, Name, request,problems,diagnosticCodes

I'll investigate

I still see those values in the telemetry dated 8/30,8/31 if I run

AppEvents | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) and TimeGenerated <= ago(0d) | where Name contains 'interactiveSessionResponse' //| where isnotempty(Properties['problems']) and isnotempty(Properties['request']) | extend request = tostring(Properties['request']) | extend problems = tostring(Properties['problems']) | extend diagnosticCodes = tostring(Properties['diagnosticCodes']) | where request == "request" | project TimeGenerated, Name, request,problems,diagnosticCodes

These users are on older versions of the extension without the fix. If you look at the extension version number, you'll see
0.7.2023082301 which is August 23rd. We cannot prevent older versions from sending bad telemetry, but you can filter on version.