
v0.14.1 does not seem to install gopls anymore

MorpheusXAUT opened this issue · 4 comments

What version of Go, VS Code & VS Code Go extension are you using?

  • Run go version to get version of Go
    • go version go1.14.2 linux/amd64
  • Run code -v or code-insiders -v to get version of VS Code or VS Code Insiders
    • 1.44.2 ff915844119ce9485abfe8aa9076ec76b5300ddd x64 (Windows 10)
  • Check your installed extensions to get the version of the VS Code Go extension
    • 0.14.1
  • Run go env GOOS GOARCH to get the operating system and processor architecture details
    • linux amd64

Share the Go related settings you have added/edited

Run Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command to open your settings.json file.
Share all the settings with the go. or ["go"] prefixes.

    "go.useLanguageServer": true,
    "[go]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true,
        "editor.snippetSuggestions": "none",
    "[go.mod]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true,
    "gopls": {
        "usePlaceholders": true,
        "staticcheck": false,
    "go.autocompleteUnimportedPackages": true,
    "go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
    "go.lintFlags": [
    "go.testFlags": [

Describe the bug

I am using a Devcontainer setup for Go, running an golang:1.14.2 Docker image on a Windows 10 host. After updating to the latest version of vscode-go (0.14.1), the extension doesn't seem to install gopls in the devcontainer anymore and no prompt to install/update it is shown.

Using the "go.useLanguageServer": true setting as described here, I expected the extension to install gopls as required.

Manually downgrading vscode-go to version 0.13.1 and reloading the window prompts for a gopls install as it was detected missing.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install vscode-go 0.14.1
  2. Setup devcontainer environment with golang:1.14.2 image
  3. Re-open project in container, no prompt to install gopls appears

I could reproduce this.
The return statement is misplaced. Will send a fix.

cc @stamblerre @ramya-rao-a

Is this the reason for code auto completion, code navigation (IntelliSense) is not working while using modules (go.mod)?
When i try with simple go file code suggestions and completion works however when i workspace with go.mod file it doesnt work.
I am using the latest build i.e 1.44.2 and the ms-vscode.go is 0.14.1

@rmuddana It's unlikely to be related. This bug affects only the gopls auto-upgrade functionality.

Please file a separate issue (remember to include the related settings (those starting with "go", "gopls", "[go]" prefixes), enough details to reproduce the issue, gopls version, and if possible, the gopls trace (

The latest update 0.14.2 has the fix for this, Thanks @hyangah
And thanks for reporting @MorpheusXAUT