
Support pytest-describe in testing rewrite

QuentinFchx opened this issue · 25 comments

Type: Bug


Expected vs. Actual

With the following dependencies:


Considering the following test file:


def describe_A():
    def test_1():

    def test_2():

def describe_B():
    def test_1():

    def test_2():

When discovering tests (with the new adapter, "python.experiments.optInto": ["pythonTestAdapter"]), only the last describe block is registered, here describe_B.
By "registered", I mean :

  • displayed in the tests explorer
  • having a "run/debug test" quick action in the editor

Neither the describe_A block, nor its tests appear anywhere. FWIW, I tested with different test names, not conflicting between describe blocks (describe_B, test_3/test_4 instead of test_1/test_2), the issue sill occurs.

Screenshots Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 14 16 55 Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 14 16 42

In the Output for Python section below, I added an extract of the test collection output which includes the describe_A block. I assume it means the test collection works well but there is an issue down the line?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. See above

Diagnostic data

  • Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.9.16
  • Type of virtual environment used (e.g. conda, venv, virtualenv, etc.): Venv
  • Value of the python.languageServer setting: Pylance
Output for Python in the Output panel (ViewOutput, change the drop-down the upper-right of the Output panel to Python)

collected xx items

<Package test>
    <DescribeBlock 'describe_A'>
      <Function test_1>
      <Function test_2>
    <DescribeBlock 'describe_B'>
      <Function test_1>
      <Function test_2>

User Settings

Multiroot scenario, following user settings may not apply:

venvPath: "<placeholder>"

languageServer: "Pylance"

• flake8Enabled: true
• mypyArgs: "<placeholder>"
• mypyEnabled: true

• provider: "black"
• blackArgs: "<placeholder>"

• autoTestDiscoverOnSaveEnabled: false

• optInto: ["pythonTestAdapter"]

Extension version: 2023.12.0
VS Code version: Code 1.80.2 (Universal) (2ccd690cbff1569e4a83d7c43d45101f817401dc, 2023-07-27T21:05:41.366Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 22.5.0

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M1 (8 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled
Load (avg) 3, 3, 2
Memory (System) 16.00GB (0.07GB free)
Process Argv
Screen Reader no
VM 0%

will investigate, thank you for filing!

What args are required for pytest to recognize describe blocks? I am not seeing even pytest from the CLI recognize it with the sample code you provided. Thanks

Unless I'm mistaken, no particular arguments are required.
What can I do to help you reproduce, do you need a sample repository? (is there a sample repository with a boilerplate I can start from?)
Otherwise I can try to give you more information about the issue, are there any flags I can use to debug directly in my IDE?

A sample repro would be extremely helpful! Just a folder with a python file (with the tests) then the .vscode folder (with the setttings.json) is what I should need. Thanks!

I created, can you tell me if that's working for you?

The interesting part is that on this repository the issue still occurs, but now only the first describe block is taken into account (and not only the last).

Sorry for the delay on this- trying to determine prioritization with the rewrite. Is this a regression on the new rewrite? If so I can get to this more quickly, if it has never worked then I might have to mark this as a feature request. Thanks

The previous implementation was not working with plugins such as pytest-describe, so I guess it's a feature request 😅.

I might find some time to investigate it further (and hopefully write a PR), but I'm not sure where to start.
Where can I find documentation about what part of the app (folders / files / classes) are entry points of "test discovery"?

Thank you!

I have been planning on looking at plugins but not sure if a single solution will be generally applicable. If you subscribe to that other issue you can stay updated on the progress I make there.

For the PR writing, here is the file that contains all of the pytest logic. What happens is we call pytest in a subprocess with this vscode_pytest as the plugin and then all these hooks are called by pytest which is how we loop into their process. This includes run and discovery so you can look for specific discovery related sections like build_test_tree. You can view the pytest API docs to learn about the hooks here.

Thanks and let me know if you have questions!

I dived a bit into the code : pytest-describe makes use of pytest "Modules" (as seen here), but it seems the current implementation of the test's tree builder only handles pytest "Class".

Most likely, supporting pytest'sModule as part of the test collection can help fixing this issue.

Are there known limitations of the pytest Module usage?
Otherwise I'll continue to explore.

Hi! There are no limitations I can see with Module. I did not implement it in the first place because I did not see where it was used but there was no other reason. Adding module logic would be great since it extends Bases: _pytest.nodes.File, _pytest.python.PyCollector then it should behave similarly to File and Class logic. Thank you for your exploration already let me know if any other questions arise!

Because we have not heard back with the information we requested, we are closing this issue for now. If you are able to provide the info later on, then we will be happy to re-open this issue to pick up where we left off.

Happy Coding!

Took another look at this, I am seeing describe blocks as "modules" which is the same as "files" in pytest. My concern would be that a "module" check would not be equivalent because it would catch files as well as describe blocks. The issue here is that for all file objects I use the path as the nodeID, which then causes the describe blocks to have the same IDs as their parent path. Steps likely needed would be to add a new else if statement to the type check like this:

elif isinstance(test_case.parent, pytest.Module) and isinstance(test_case.parent.parent, pytest.Module):
            # Create a describe node
            # then create a file node, add describe node as child of file node
  • if the test_case.parent and its parent it is a module then its a describe block with a file block above it (otherwise it would be a Package or Session type as either a test or the session root).

  • would then use the nodeid to calculate the new absolute nodeid for the object we build similar to how it is node with test cases.

Thanks for the feature request! We are going to give the community 60 days from when this issue was created to provide 7 👍 upvotes on the opening comment to gauge general interest in this idea. If there's enough upvotes then we will consider this feature request in our future planning. If there's unfortunately not enough upvotes then we will close this issue.

Yes please, this will be very appreciated!

please consider this feature request in your future planning.

We @golanmelio really want this!


+1 🙏

Thank you to everyone who upvoted this issue! Since the community showed interest in this feature request we will leave this issue open as something to consider implementing at some point in the future.

We do encourage people to continue 👍 the first/opening comment as it helps us prioritize our work based on what the community seems to want the most.