
File Structure using Minimap

bmargogne opened this issue · 3 comments

[This is an idea for a new feature, not an issue]

When coding in particularly long files, it would be nice to have some possibilities to have additional navigation possibilities using the minimap. For instance, if we could define a file tree structure, similar as a table of content for any typical ".doc" document, we could very quickly go the desired portion of code.

Here is what it could look like :

Some additional ideas :

  1. "simple" file sections would be declared using keyword in full commented lines (not sure if this is feasable on all file type...) :
    ////// [Minimap.section : Name of the section] ////////////////////////////////////

  2. Sections be highligthed in the minimap to ease identification. The full section name could appear using a rollover.

  3. [+] or [-] icons next to sections in the minimap would allow expanding/collapsing minimap portion of codes. When fully collapsed, it would display a kind of "table of content" for the file.

  4. with "structured" file sections, a user could even define nested parts in his file structure.
    ////// [Minimap.sectionH1 : { some file section name } ///////////////
    ////// [Minimap.sectionH2 : { some file subSection name } ///////////

I guess if these keywords are used in commentaries, they would not harm the code when used outside of VScode ?

Maybe you should take this to the VSCode repo ?

That sounds like a smart move :) (... I thought both would be followed by the VS code team)

Thanks for the feedback. Please move this feature request to the vscode repo.