
Can't exclude files that match an include glob

Opened this issue · 1 comments

vsce version 3.1.1

I'm trying to skip photoshop source images in my assets directory.
I've tried this in package.json:

	"files": [

which gave:

ERROR  The following include patterns in the "files" property in package.json do not match any files packaged in the extension:
  - D:/dev/vscode_ext/modules/!assets/*.psd
Remove any include pattern which is not needed.

and this in .vscodeignore:

# Ignore everything by default

# Then explicitly include what you want

# Exclude specific files

Which gave no errors, but included the psds anyway.

I'm assuming this is a bug, but if I'm just doing this wrong, apologies!

Adrian Stephens

Note, I made a fix here: