
Emmet extensions_path option

drgullin opened this issue · 2 comments

  • VSCode Version: 1.4.0 (2016-08-04T16:39:36.387Z)
  • OS Version: OS X El Capitan 10.11.3

There's an extensions_path option for Emmet in Sublime and Atom, which allows you to have an external source for preferences.json and snippets.json.

You can easily extend Emmet with new actions and filters or customize existing ones. In Preferences > Emmet, set Extensions path to folder with Emmet extensions. By default, it’s ~/emmet, e.g. emmet folder in your system HOME folder.

It's not available in the latest version of editor.
Can this option be ported into Visual Studio Code?

Any progress on this issue? I've a long list of the snippets to use for Emmet (both CSS and HTML), if I add them to my settings.json, it will become messy, that's why an extended file is appreciated.

@fronteed This is now implemented and should be in tomorrow's insiders build. Can you give it a try and provide feedback?

  • The setting to use is called emmet.extensionsPath
  • You need to provide absolute path at the moment.
  • The files snippets.json, syntaxProfiles.json and preferences.json will be read from this directory.
  • emmet.preferences and emmet.syntaxProfiles settings will take precedence over the contents of the above file
  • The files are read once and cached. Will be re-read on VS Code reload or whenever there is a change to emmet.extensionsPath

More on emmet customization: