
Missing Sublime Text command - Expand selection to brackets

waderyan opened this issue · 5 comments

While building this extension to map Sublime Text default keyboard shortcuts to VS Code, I found that this feature is missing.

The feature is expand to brackets.

Default Sublime Text keybindings
Windows / Linux: ctrl+shift+m
Mac: ctrl+shift+m


Today an extension exists with this functionality. I believe we should bring this feature into the product.

neo commented


@neolwc unfortunately that functionality is not exactly the same. It will work in some cases but not all.

@waderyan yep. VS code needs this feature.

I just switched to VS code and unfortunately I did not find that feature when I mapped the Sublime text default keyboard shortcuts to VS code. I badly need it!

Dup of #9768, let's track it there. It's on our deck now.