
Missing Sublime Text command - select open editor by index

waderyan opened this issue · 2 comments

While building this extension to map Sublime Text default keyboard shortcuts to VS Code, I found that this feature is missing.

The feature is selecting an open editor by index.

Default Sublime Text keybindings

Windows / Linux Mac Editor Index
alt+1 cmd+1 0
alt+2 cmd+2 1
alt+3 cmd+3 2
alt+4 cmd+4 3
alt+5 cmd+5 4
alt+6 cmd+6 5
alt+7 cmd+7 6
alt+8 cmd+8 7
alt+9 cmd+9 8
alt+0 cmd+0 9


@waderyan nope, we have it: workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1-9

@bpasero excellent great!