
Investigate possible sceanrios that can get crashes reported without metadata

ramya-rao-a opened this issue · 1 comments

VS Code uses the electron crash reporter to report crashes.
The crash reporter is initialized to send the below in each crash report

  • The crash dump
  • The crash time
  • Platform, product and Company name
  • VS Code SessionId, Version and Commit corresponding to the Version.

We have been noticing crash reports from Mac in huge numbers that have just the dump and none of the rest of the metadata outlined above.

This task is to track the scenarios where such a thing is possible

electron/electron#7474 has been logged for electron

Bottom line of the investigation:

Crashes in a process (electron and node both) where crash reporter is not initialized get reported with just the dump and no metadata in Mac. In Windows, such crashes are ignored.

In VS Code, we fork a new node process in many scenarios like extensionhost, search, git etc. When these processes crash, Mac ends up reporting the crash without any metadata.