
Allow us to extend launch configurations

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have a launch.json with two configurations that are basically exactly the same except for the args that I set.

I would like to be able to extend an existing launch configuration and add on just my changes rather than rewriting the entire configuration. E.g.:

    "type": "node",
    "request": "launch",
    "name": "A",
    "program": "...",
    "runtimeExecutable": "...",
    "name": "B",
    "extends": "A",
    "args": ["arg1", "arg2"]

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Can we revisit this? I have giant launch configs. My current workaround is to comment out the arguments to test with but it's a pain to switch between when it could be in a nice dropdown menu.

I really like pushkin-'s idea. It's simple and exactly what I need. It could be implemented at a more generic level, where we could "include" a json block anywhere (although more invasive). This would be really useful for c_cpp_properties.json too, where I am copy/pasting giant blocks of include and search paths.

"environment": [ <project-wide-env-vars> ],
"setupCommands": [ <project-wide-gdb-setup-comands> ],

would be great to have

This would allow different folks on the team to change launch configurations to use either Chrome or Edge based on their preference without generating a Git change.

Current state:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug config",
            "type": "msedge",

Ideal state:

    "extends": "launch.local.json",
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug config",


    "configurations": [
            "type": "msedge",

Of course, how to merge the configs would be a discussion to have for sure so both augmenting and completely replacing configuration nodes would be possible.