
Semantic highlighting changes colors of JSX tags

vasilenka opened this issue ยท 20 comments

Version: 1.42.0-insider
Commit: fd13e44
Date: 2020-01-17T16:30:38.851Z
Electron: 7.1.7
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Darwin x64 19.0.0

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. On a fresh-installed of VS code insiders, open a .js or .jsx file.
  2. Watch carefully for some syntax colors changing after a few seconds.

Check this link for the demo:
As seen on the demo, the syntax highlight on the <LatestBlog/> and <div> turned to plain color a few seconds after changing Color Theme.

Here's a snippet for testing purpose:

import React from 'react'

import Default from '../layouts/Default/Default'
import SEO from '../utils/seo'
import Intro from '../components/Intro/Intro'
import LatestBlog from '../components/LatestBlog/LatestBlog'

const Homepage = () => {
  return (
        author="Ongki Herlambang"
      <Intro />
      <LatestBlog data={edges} />
        Hello world!

export default Homepage

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

Look like you need to change language from JavaScript to JavaScript React otherwise < are treated as regular less them operators.

Just add next file association to you User config or only to project using .vscode/settings.json

"files.associations": {
    "*.js": "javascriptreact"

@IllusionMH thank you, but still not working.

It's working just fine before with the default setup. So, unless there are some breaking changes on the latest update, I don't think we need to add additional settings just to work with JSX.

Also as you can see in my demo, the syntax highlight is working for a few seconds, but then the color changed.

Experiencing the same issue with JSX highlight

Version: 1.42.0-insider
Commit: fd13e44
Date: 2020-01-17T16:30:38.851Z
Electron: 7.1.7
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0

Also experiencing the same issue, even with the javascriptreact file association.

Experiencing the same issue. Colors unfortunately disappear after few seconds. Same version as above.


After couple of reloads I was able to reproduce it too (even with TS@next) and in TSX files.
Looks like only class components are highlighted (same color as regular class names in other places).

May be related to #86390 ?

Confirming this issue. Quitting the app and reloading the file fixes it but only for a few seconds. Any saves break the syntax colouring.

Confirmed. Incidentally, it seems to be working in the Source Control diff tab:
Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2020-01-21 aฬ€ 15 45 52

mjbvz commented

Likely caused by semantic highlighting. Try setting "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": false to disable it

@mjbvz yes, setting it to false fixes the problem with highlights for me. Both this one and I assume #88997 (removes difference in highlight for classes/functions, however I'm not sure if highlight there were bad).

Are there plans to restore current (non-semantic) highlights for JSX and leave it for other places?

I can confirm the fix suggested by @mjbvz works (thanks)

Yeah, "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": false solved the problem. Thank you

Would it be possible to add texmateRules options which override the rules for the semantic scope? At least for JSX/TSX files..

See and will require #86390 to make it for JS/TS.
Haven't grasped yet how to add previous colors without disabling semantic highlight.

My bet is bug (or not yet implemented part) in the feature.

export const enum TokenType {
class, enum, interface, namespace, typeParameter, type, parameter, variable, property, function, member, _
export const enum TokenModifier {
declaration, static, async, readonly, _

Doesn't have any types/modifiers to distinguish usage of class/function/variable in regular case or as JSX tag, therefore they are colored by their type, and special styling for JSX is lost.

Since extension might provide custom types/modifiers it will be easy to add jsxtag modifier and apply special styles(matching old) for tokens with this modifier. What do you thins, @aeschli?

semantic coloring of the JSX tags was unintended. Fix 3c930f9 is in todays i-build.

Thanks, looks better now!

@aeschli is it intended that Fragment in <React.Fragment> is colored differently when semantic coloring applied? Moreover coloring for custom elements with static components leads to very strange results (inverse of <React.Fragment> case)?
Initial highlight

semantic highlight

Version: 1.42.0-insider (user setup)
Commit: c4d53a1
Date: 2020-01-23T05:39:57.148Z
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19546

Repro code

New workspace with only @types/react installed.
TS versions 3.7.5 (built-in) or 3.8.0-dev.20200122

import React from 'react';

const Custom = (props: { children?: any }) => <div></div>;
Custom.Nested1 = (props: { children?: any }) => <span></span>;
Custom.Nested2 = function (props: { children?: any }) { return <span></span>; };

function test() {
	return (
			<span className="demo">demo</span>

@aeschli thank you so much

I just pushed a fix for the qualified JSX names.