
Add option `editor.lineDecorationsWidth` as official

kanlukasz opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Is there any chance that the setting of editor.lineDecorationsWidth will be official?
I currently have the "Unknown configuration setting" notification ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
A lot of people using this option and it would be good to add it as official


This feature request is now a candidate for our backlog. The community has 60 days to upvote the issue. If it receives 20 upvotes we will move it to our backlog. If not, we will close it. To learn more about how we handle feature requests, please see our documentation.

Happy Coding!

This setting is visually nice but can you add some way to extend the clickable area to the left of the text? Like if I want to move the caret to the left of the first character in a line, I have to aim at a really tiny number of pixels. This can be irritating and only gets worse at higher resolutions. It would be really nice to have some way to increase the actual content area's effective padding without needing to add whitespace characters to the document itself or something.

i came here for the "padding to the left of the code" thing to. i keep folding my code when trying to select the beginning of the line. its highly frustrating.

^ yeah same problem here, unintentionally triggering the code folding over and over. i just had to turn code folding off. which is too bad because i'd like to start actually using that feature, it seems useful. but not if there's like 1 pixel between the collapse button and the spot i need to click to select before the first character on a line

i unfortunately do use code folding.. so been trying to condition myself to click between the 1st and 2nd character and then lift hand off mouse and use arrow key on keyboard and back to mouse. seems "faster" than all the swearing i end up doing by getting it in the right spot. but i suspect we are de-railing this issue now. i just have no idea what to look for / suggest other than "padding" which doesnt return any decent results :( for all we know vscode has the option in already...

I also mostly want padding to the left of the code block! I got bitten by this 3 times in the last hour. I guess what we really want is more of a gutter. I tried poking around in the internal CSS, but didn't get super far. I think what we need may be a new setting.

Agreed on wanting this feature primarily for left-side padding.

Currently with line numbering disabled, the padding just looks off:

Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 11 33 53 AM

my issue with setting the gutter width is that it just becomes "visual" then. the "usability" issue with this is that trying to click between the gutter and the first character is a bit of high precision maneuverability. i honestly dont care about padding for the visual aspect. i just dont want to keep making breakpoints every time i scroll up and down with a mouse and want to edit the beginning of a line.

my issue with setting the gutter width is that it just becomes "visual" then. the "usability" issue with this is that trying to click between the gutter and the first character is a bit of high precision maneuverability. i honestly dont care about padding for the visual aspect. i just dont want to keep making breakpoints every time i scroll up and down with a mouse and want to edit the beginning of a line.

saaaaaame. it is so irritating. now i have a 27" 4K monitor i literally can't click it, i can only get my caret in there by arrow-keying left/up

Although this has long passed the required 20 votes, I've added mine as well since my eyes need it badly :)

First of all I have up voted this feature request as it may resolve some related issues I face secondly, although the comments show something related to my issue but neither the title nor the description explained that what editor.lineDecorationsWidth does and what benefit we would have if it is added. So I opened a new feature request #135114, please vote up if the requested feature seems sensible to you.

I've +1'd both of them, because my current solution is to use n+1 vertically split panes, where the leftmost is just an empty pane. My whole setup is right-oriented, so pulling the text away from the left edge is a constant struggle