
Update metadata only (no package) =>Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read

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I am trying to update just the metedata for my app. Since packagePath is optional, this should work:

- task: store-publish@0
    serviceEndpoint: 'NaWinDevCenter'
    appId: '9PH5NNZ5BXFQ'
    metadataUpdateMethod: 'JsonMetadata'
    metadataPath: '$(system.defaultworkingdirectory)\NoApp\Store\appMetadata' 
    updateImages: true
    force: true 
    skipPolling: true

It throws ##[error]Unhandled: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read . This error is already discussed here #33 and after turning on the debug mode I found this:

##[debug]Adding package path d:/a/1/s to zip as 0_s

So the issue is probably caused by d:/a/1/s - it is not a file.

But what are my options here, if I don't want to add the package ???


The solution could be filled packagePath. Extension doesn't find any .msix, but is ok with that and submission will update just the listing.