Various problems manual steps in documentation
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This is in reference to the manual steps in the "Manage Windows Package Manager REST source manually" section of
Broadly, the Azure wizards are out of step with what's in the documentation. This makes following some instructions somewhat difficult because things don't line up, may be in a different wizard page, or missing entirely. This is especially apparent in "Storage Account" and "Function App" setup.
In the "Azure Key Vault Secrets" section, it notes the following secrets: "AzStorageAccountKey", "CosmosAccountEndpoint", "CosmosReadOnlyKey", and "CosmosReadWriteKey" but has actual instructions for "AzStorageAccountKey", "CosmosAccountEndpoint", and "CosmosAccountKey". CosmosAccountKey is not in the initial list of keys, and there's no instructions for "CosmosReadOnlyKey" or "CosmosReadWriteKey". Later when setting up the Function App, it's revealed that you need to set up CosmosReadOnlyKey/CosmosReadWriteKey and CosmosAccountKey is not used at all. It was straightforward enough to figure out what values to put here, but the docs should have been in sync with this.
In the "Azure Function" section, it references a configuration property "WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE" as "azfun-pkgman3pr-westus-test". It's unclear if this is a proper value or not (and if it's not a proper value, what it should be set to). Also, there's a typo ("URI's").
Thank you for the feedback on this.