
I am not able to build the solution

chandan315 opened this issue · 11 comments

I am using VS2015 community edition and the project is not building.

I was getting a long folder name error earlier.
Now I am just getting this error.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Before building this project, please copy Settings.Template.xml to Settings.xml (under C:\CQRS\cqrs-journey-master\source\Infrastructure\Azure directory) and replace the placeholders in the copy with your Azure credentials. Infrastructure.Azure.IntegrationTests C:\CQRS\cqrs-journey-master\source\Infrastructure\Azure\Infrastructure.Azure.IntegrationTests\Infrastructure.Azure.IntegrationTests.csproj 137

How to resolve this error

The error message contains the instructions you should follow. "Before building this project, please copy Settings.Template.xml to Settings.xml (under C:\CQRS\cqrs-journey-master\source\Infrastructure\Azure directory) and replace the placeholders in the copy with your Azure credentials. "

It is not working. I am still getting the same error.
I don't have any Azure account.
I want to run SQL locally

what did manikrish do on this post? ---- #377

My head is spinning now....I have this final error---

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Before building this project, please copy Settings.Template.xml to Settings.xml (under C:\CQRS\cqrs-journey-master\source\Infrastructure\Azure directory) and replace the placeholders in the copy with your Azure credentials. If you prefer to use an in-memory non-persistent messaging infrastructure, please use the DebugLocal configuration instead. Conference.Web.Public C:\CQRS\cqrs-journey-master\source\Conference\Conference.Web.Public\Conference.Web.Public.csproj 330

I don't see DebugLocal configuration in my project anywhere

I had to run the solution in DebugLocal mode.

My bad......Thanks @ fsimonazzi

I have managed to compile the solution.
But I am getting Error 404 not found when I am opening a particular view.

I have been struggling for more than 24 hours to fix this solution....
But it just doesn't work.......Very bad sample solution....Doesn't run......buggy

@chandan315 I'm very sorry that you're having a negative experience. The code is 4 years old and we don't have any plans to update it. I've added a note at the head of the readme to clarify this.
Even if the code is stale, we think that the conceptual materials (i.e. the supporting documentation) is still relevant.
If you solve any issues that might help future users of this code base, we would welcome a pull request.
Again, my apologies.

@chandan315 If you can provide more details about the error messages and context, we may be able to help. Feel free to re-open the issue in that event.

I have created a new Conference and can view the conference on conference.web,public app
But when I go to Register/StartRegistration method, I am not able to see anything on the page

The StartRegistration method does not give me anything to register
Registration Type , Price , Available, Quantity

I don't have any item to register for....

When I am on conference.web.admin app

Following method returns orders variable as null.
public ViewResult Orders()
var orders = this.Service.FindOrders(this.Conference.Id);

        return View(orders);

To summarise, I have just created a conference.
I haven't done any registration for orders and attendees.
I can see the conference and seat types but not anything in the registration tab.

There is nothing in the Orders table.