
After wrapped app is crashed

bhumin3i opened this issue · 9 comments

Describe the bug:
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'ios device'
  2. Click on 'app icon'
  3. See error

Image from iOS (7)

Expected behavior:
open authenticator when download from company portal, enter credential and get access token

Screenshots and logs:

  • If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
  • If your app is crashing post-wrapping, do you have app logs for the crash itself?
  • If your app is crashing pre-wrapping, do you have app logs for the wrapper errors?

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [iPhone7, 6plus]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS12 and above]

Intune app wrapping tool (please complete the following information):

Hey @bhumin3i, it's not clear to me what the issue is here. The alert in the screenshot you shared is expected for wrapped applications. After the user taps "OK", they should be prompted to enter their credentials. Are you seeing something different, or expecting different behavior?

@Kyle-Reis yes after use correct certificate and correct sha-1 key now it’s working app is not crashing but every time it’s prompt this popup after click okay they prompt enter credentials.
Also our admin face new issue login is going infinitely.

@Kyle-Reis i don't know but today i got new error enroll now!!!! yesterday app was working but today it's not........

Could you describe what the error is?

@Kyle-Reis without wrapping I upload into Intune it’s working but with wrapping it’s not.
Message seems like you need to enrolled your device.
Or used different credentials button show enrolled now

Could you share the exact error message, and maybe a screenshot?

Actually I try to upload wrapping ipa into company Portal and try again!!! Thanks for instant reply You r the best bro🤘🏻

Hey @bhandaribhumin, just want to verify you're unblocked before closing this issue out.

Closing out this issue.