
There are more extensions than specified provisioning profiles. Each extension must have a corresponding provisioning profile, or a wildcard profile must be specified.

varunmehtaxebia opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi All,

I'm trying to Intunes wrap my .ipa having 3 extension:
One Service Extension for Push Notification.
Two Content Extension for Custom Push Notification UI

Trying to wrap the .ipa file using below steps:

  1. declare -a extension=(Desktop/Extension1.mobileprovision Desktop/Extension2.mobileprovision Desktop/Extension3.mobileprovision);

  2. /Volumes/IntuneMAMPackager/Contents/MacOS/IntuneMAMPackager -i Desktop/my_build.ipa -o Desktop/my_intunes_wrappped.ipa -p Desktop/MainApp.mobileprovision -x ${extension[*]} -c "EE 21 34 24 65 87 9A 65 SD 74 D2 B1 78 20 0E B2 09 3B AF 37" -v true

Getting below Error:
"There are more extensions than specified provisioning profiles. Each extension must have a corresponding provisioning profile, or a wildcard profile must be specified."

Environment Detail:
Intunes Wrapping Tool Version: 12.2.0
Version of MACOSX is 10.14.6
Version of XCode installed is Xcode 11.3

Its working by somehow now using .plist. So closing this issue.

Adding a comment here in case anybody else runs into this issue since it's not clear in the documentation: If you didn't want to use a .plist file, you need to modify the -x flag usage. So instead of -x "/path/to/extension1.mobileprovision /path/to/extension2.mobileprovision" you have to do -x "<array><string>/path/to/extension1.mobileprovision</string><string>/path/to/extension2.mobileprovision</string></array>"