
App Store rejects to accept wrapped binary. ERROR ITMS-90668: "Invalid Bundle Executable.

jupasources opened this issue · 8 comments


App Store rejects to accept wrapped binary with following error:
**ERROR ITMS-90668**: "Invalid Bundle Executable. The executable file 'Zalaris' contains incomplete bitcode. To compile binaries with complete bitcode, open Xcode and choose Archive in the Product menu."

This is Cordova based app that is built using phonegap service. The service is using Xcode 10.1 to build the app. Wrapping process finishes without any errors, but during upload to App Sore using new Transporter app it returns the error mentioned above.

I have tried to install locally both the latest Xcode 11.3.1 and also old 10.3 - same results. The wrapping is successful but upload is not.

I noticed that with wrapping tool version 11.0.8 it works fine and App Store accepts the binary. But starting from version 11.2.0 all (including latest one) App Store rejects the binary with the error mentioned above.

I know that wrapped apps are not supposed to be published, but we have a business requirement to have it published since the app is intended for many of our customers.

Thank you!

As of now the Intune iOS MAM SDK does not support bitcode, so a wrapped app will not be able to support bitcode. Do you have the original project for the app or just the ipa?

OK. I have the original project generated by Cordova CLI tool. I tried to build with bitcode enabled and also with bitcode disabled, but still same error returned by Apple ITMS. Interesting: if I wrap with wrapping tool version 11.0.8 no errors returned by Apple ITMS.

So the a difference that seems pertinent is that 11.0.8 uses ADAL 2.6.3 while 11.2.0(and later) use ADAL 4.0.+. When you tried using xcode 11.3.1, did you use the sudo xcode-select -s command to switch your default xcode installation?

Hey @jupasources, we have a potential fix for this issue in code review now.

@gastaffo, I think I have used the command only once when I installed version 10.x. Haven't used it after upgrade to 11.3.1

@Kyle-Reis, good news! Waiting for fix .

Hey @Kyle-Reis, any updates when the fix will be released?

Hey @jupasources, current ETA is May 20.

Hey @jupasources, 12.4.1 release has the fix.