
Wrapped iOS app refreshes AAD when switching back from Company Portal authentication

jacobwardio opened this issue · 8 comments

We have developed a Cordova-based app which we have subsequently wrapped using the app wrapping tool for iOS.

On opening the app, we are presented with the expected AAD authentication and follow these steps:

  1. Enter email address and submit
  2. Enter password and submit
  3. Prompted for PIN
  4. Switch to different app to get PIN
  5. Come back to wrapped app


  1. Page refreshes and prompted to enter email address (i.e. start from the beginning)


  1. Screen to enter PIN should be displayed to enter PIN

Hi @jacobwarduk, is the PIN referenced in the reproduction steps something that is sent to the user' via email or text for multi-factor auth with AAD?

It is from authentication app for MFA with AAD.

@jacobwarduk, thanks. This sounds like an issue with the version of ADAL used by the app wrapping tool. I'll investigate if upgrading to the latest release will address it.

@Kyle-Reis was there any update on the above?

Hey @jacobwarduk, which version of the app wrapper was the app wrapped with? I just set up MFA on my test account and after being prompted to enter authentication code and switching to a different app, then coming back, the prompt for the authentication code is still there.

We are using version 13.0.0

I will upgrade to 14.0.0 and see if this helps.

Hey @jacobwarduk, checking in to see if you're still having this issue.

Closing out this issue due to inactivity. Please reopen if you're still experiencing this issue.