
Problem in authentication: change authentication URL

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We have registered 2 different app one for development and one for production. We use only the authentication and send mail functionality.
In my test application I have some trouble in logon (we have received some "response_type 'token' is not supported for the application" and "unsupported_response_type".
Like explained in this article
we have:
1 - Add in web config the appsettings "ida:AppTenancy" with value as our tenancy domain
2 - Changed the the "Authority" property of the "OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions" in the method public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app) with the code:
Authority = string.Format("{0}/v2.0",appTenancy),

For now its work.

I'm not sure I see the issue with this sample specifically. Have you had to implement auth a little differently because of your own requirements?