
Multiple redirect url's

Closed this issue · 3 comments

At first, I dont know if this is the place to ask this question, so I hope it is.

If I create an app only the first redirect url works.

For example; if I add first this url works but if I add https://localhost/ it does not.
When I add https://localhost/ first and second, only the localhost url works.

The only way to make everything work is to create two separate applications in the "Application registration portal". One for the development environment and one for production.

It feels like some cache issue, but I could also be a stupid mistake of me of course.

(I change the "PostLogoutRedirectUri" in my web.config to the right one when I switch to another environment)

Thanks for your question. Since this isn't directly related to the sample, could you post this question to Stack Overflow, and tag the question with [microsoftgraph]?

Closing since this appears to be resolved on SO. Please reopen if it continues to be an issue.