
This GitHub Action retrieves a GitHub App installation token for use in workflows

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Get App Token

This GitHub Action retrieves a GitHub App installation token for use in workflows.


Create a GitHub Application

  1. Create a GitHub Application in your organization, scoped to whichever permissions you need your token to have.

  2. After you've created the application, make note of the App ID.

  3. Locate the Private keys section. Generate and download a private key.

Install the GitHub Application

Install the app, granting access to the repository where you want to use this action.

Add repository secrets

In the repository where you want to use this action, create two encrypted secrets as follows.

Secret name Value
APPLICATION_ID The App ID of your GitHub Application
APPLICATION_PRIVATE_KEY The contents of the private key you generated and downloaded. You can open the file in a text editor and copy/paste.

Use the action in a workflow

This action has the following inputs and outputs

Required inputs

Input Description
application-id The GitHub App ID
application-private-key The GitHub App private key


Output Description
app-token The token retrieved from GitHub


name: Test action


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Get token
        id: get_token
        uses: microsoftgraph/get-app-token@main
          application-id: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_ID }}
          application-private-key: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_PRIVATE_KEY }}

      - name: Use token
        uses: actions/github-script@v5
          github-token: ${{ steps.get_token.outputs.app-token }}
          script: |
            const repo = await github.rest.repos.get(context.repo);
            console.log(JSON.stringify(repo, null, 2));