
"isFavoriteByDefault" is not returned from a GET Channel

leeford opened this issue ยท 11 comments

  1. Create a Team Channel using Graph with "isFavoriteByDefault" set to True.
  2. Check within Teams that this channel is automatically a favourite - it is.
  3. Retrieve channel using Graph and "isFavoriteByDefault" is null in the response:

API Call:


"@odata.context": "$metadata#teams(\u00278d4b8a7e-4d4b-4d2e-aae1-358d56d9d772\u0027)/channels/$entity",
"id": "",
"displayName": "1",
"description": "1",
"isFavoriteByDefault": null,
"email": "",
"webUrl": "\u0026tenantId=b958dc7c-5d40-4577-99da-487a88c078b4"

Document details

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Same issue when cloning a team, then trying to update the isFavoriteByDefault property.

Thank you for confirming, it's not just me then ๐Ÿ‘

isFavoriteByDefault is still null when retrieving channels using the beta API. Any plans to fix it Microsoft?

This issue is opened since... at least march 2019...

Still a problem. GET channel returns a null and a PATCH doesn't change this (not even a channel description). Seems to work only when creating a channel. Using Application Permissions.

Same for us. The PATCH correctly sets the setting and the change can be seen in the UI team->manage team->channels --> the tickbox is filled. The GET still returns null no matter what. This is a problem for us since we need to clone prepared teams but since the channel setting aren't cloned, we'd need to read the old state from the source team which is impossible.


I was wrong, the PATCH doesn't work either. I was only testing with 2 channels and that seems to be a default number of channels to show. I tried with a team with 5 channels and 3 of them stayed hidden regardless of running the PATCH (and I renamed the channels in the same PATCH request and all channels' names got changed, but the isFavoriteByDefault had no effect).

@phecdalouie , I'm sorry to bother you but this bug is still there since... more than a year! Any plan to include a fix?

@guillaumemeyer I have personally spoken about this issue and a bunch of others (as well as the lack of a proper issue reporting channel) to Microsoft at a higher level, and while being the only issue tracker regarding these issues on the internet, this is unfortunately the wrong channel to report about problems with the APIs themselves. This repository is focused only on the documentation of the APIs and the issues here are not the source Microsoft listens to while creating their TODO list in API development.

Currently Microsoft has no proper official channel to report bugs in the Graph API. I've managed to get their attention on this issue and some others regarding the Teams-functions of the Graph API through a contact at Microsoft, but with all the APIs under heavy use during COVID-19 their priority is in keeping Teams and other services up and running, and it might take some time to address this kind of smaller issues (that still render the APIs partly unusable).

Thanks @AirPett , I'm gonna push this on other MS internal channels

Hello - just checking to see if this was resolved?

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