
How to use App Only permission with Graph.Community extension library

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This project may be my saver, so first of all thank you!
I am developing an Azure function to create 365 groups/sites/teams based on company standard.
I can do most of it with Graph using tenant/clientID/client secret
My issue is site columns and content types. Your Sample shows applying SiteScripts and that could be my solution.
My problem now is with the authentication.
I changed your code to use:
IConfidentialClientApplication confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder .Create(azureAdOptions.ClientId) .WithTenantId(azureAdOptions.TenantId) .WithClientSecret(azureAdOptions.ClientSecret) .Build(); IAuthenticationProvider ap = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApplication);
But I get an unexpected error on the line:
var createdScript = await graphServiceClient.SharePointAPI(WebUrl).SiteScripts.Request().CreateAsync(siteScript);
So questions:

  1. How can I make it work with App Only?
  2. How can I use $"https://{sharepointDomain}/.default" scopes?
  3. Can I use files to load the SiteScripts ? just replace " with " ?

Thank Very much

Without knowing the error details, it is difficult to answer completely.

  1. The application registration will require AllSites.FullControl granted as an Application Permission, not Delegated permission
  2. That should work, assuming item 1 is correct.
  3. I don't understand this point. You need to pass the site script in the SiteScriptMetadata object. If you read it from a file first, that is fine. But you cannot pass a filename to the library.

The error is:
Code: generalException
Message: Unexpected exception returned from the service.
I tried to use:
var pca = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
But did not find a replacment to ap = new DeviceCodeProvider(pca, scopes);
My line:
ap = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApplication); does not have the scopes paramenter. So maybe that is what is missing.
The Azure registration is good because I was able to use your code as-is.
It did not find the Green Theme but I don't really care about it. :-)

I read in Waldek Mastykarz's blog That "SharePoint Online only allows using app-only access tokens obtained using a certificate. " That probably explains why I could not your code to work.
He also says: "Getting access tokens using a certificate isn't supported in ADAL on .NET Core" but that is no longer true. I tested with Core 3.0 and I did not need his helper code.
I will try to use your library with a Certificate.
Thank you.