
Possible to request multiple scopes?

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The idea of this package is great: use the GraphClient to handle from both MS Graph and SharePoint REST API.

After battling it all day, I was finally able to get a List from the SharePoint REST using an IConfidentialClientApplication (using a certificate).

I realized part of the issue I was having was that I kept thinking I could use two scopes simultaneously: "" and "https://{tenant}".

Is it possible? I don't love the idea that every time I want to switch "contexts" (APIs) I have to get a new client/token.

Sadly, Azure Active Directory does not provide for getting a single access token with multiple audiences (Graph and SharePoint).

As you a using a confidential client, you can also configure a local token cache. So every call makes a request for a token, and MSAL will provide the cached token. So, yes, two calls to get tokens but not every call your application makes to Graph/SharePoint.

Depending on your scenaio, the Microsoft.Identity.Web library (which uses MSL) can also help with token acquisition/caching.

This is a perfect answer. I was having a hard time finding it with my Googling.

Thank you!