
Pomodoro timer; 25 minute sets required; 20 min rests every 4 sets; daily watchface to drive productivity

Opened this issue · 4 comments

This is an exceptional app. I would like to make a suggestion that takes it from fitness app to productivity app.

Idea #1 - Pomodoro productivity tool by increasing limit to 25 minutes
The settings and features would also allow your app to be used as a productivity timer. A very popular productivity method wordlwide is the Pomodoro method. The only change you would need to make is to increase the maxium time per set to 25 minutes (although some people use a longer work unit). I note that you already have 'settings' which allow you to turn off heart rate monitoring etc.

Idea #2 - Clockwork Tomato layout
If I was to be bold and suggest a different interface, then I would recommend 'Clockwork tomato':
The widget design tool within this app would provide some inspiration for layout and content of watchface.

Additional information on Pomodor:

Thank you for considering new ideas

Two more ideas for you (based on the pomodoro theme):

Idea #3 The Pomodoro (not a function in your app) "Break" every 4? sets
The Pomodoro technique involves a break every 4 sets (or cycles). A break involves a longer "rest" of 20? minutes.

Idea #4 Pause is also a necessity for Pomodoro
If the phone rings, some other interuption, then it is helpful to have a pause. Maybe, top button = next set; middle button pause; bottom button stop

Idea #5 From fitness app to daily watchface
If the above were implemented, then this app would become the ultimate watchface to drive productivity throughout the day (not just exercise routines). The app would simply run all day with people pressing 'pause' a couple of times.

Thanks for considering

Some screenshots from the Clockwork Tomato app ...

That's an amazing idea, but I think it would be better to create another app for that with a widget and more options related to pomodoro, also I currently don't have access to my PC, so I'll work on it in september

Sorry for the late reply. I understand you are back at your computer in September.

I am happy and keen to help in any way I can. This an obvious, but overlooked, feature for all smart watches. It would help a lot of people manage their time in a more productive way. I might offer a few more ideas in this thread. If you need someone to bounce some ideas off, I would welcome the opportunity to be your beta tester or someone to discuss design choices with.