
Renderer exception in questionanalysis/overview.php

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When testing this new functionality in their sandbox, the client has come upon a coding error that breaks functionality:
Debug info: mod_adaptivequiz_questions
Error code: codingerror
Stack trace:

line 185 of /lib/outputfactories.php: coding_exception thrown
line 237 of /lib/outputfactories.php: call to renderer_factory_base->standard_renderer_classname()
line 1511 of /lib/outputlib.php: call to standard_renderer_factory->get_renderer()
line 779 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to theme_config->get_renderer()
line 60 of /mod/adaptivequiz/questionanalysis/overview.php: call to moodle_page->get_renderer()

Note: This error is not present in Moodle2.4, but is in 2.6 (haven't tested in 2.5).