
Immediate feedback (enchancement)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, @adamfranco
I have read in previous topics that you cannot pay a lot of attention to this plugin. So, I have tried to make some customization of it. I got task to implement feature like "immediate feedback" in general quiz module:

  • student got, and submit question answer (Submit button)
  • instead of new question - he returned to same question page where is shown is his answer was correct or not (and show correct answer - depend to other settings).
  • to move forward to the next question - student must press "next" button
    Could you provide me some recommendations / hints / docs about how this could be implemented?

Thanks for the interest. I would think that to achieve such a result, the procedural code in attempt.php would need to be updated to check if the quiz was set to "immediate feedback mode" and then not move on to calculating the next level of difficulty unless the "Next" button's value was in the submission. This looks like it partially occurs around lines 195-248. I'm not the original author of this particular code, so I unfortunately don't have any deeper insight into the sequencing of the actions in this script.

I have a working solution which provide to me expected results. That only notice that this solution have not very "clearly" code:
If you found it helpful - I can create a pull request

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well!
Let me first introduce myself: my name is Khalid KABCHI, Moroccan and I am preparing a thesis about adaptive testing (specifically in physics).
I plan to create an adaptive test but I find huge difficulties in this sense.
For that can you help me to create my own adaptive test?

Thank you for submitting this issue. This repository is now archived: The sponsor of this plugin, Middlebury College, is no longer using Moodle. Development is continuing on other forks of the project. See https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_adaptivequiz for more information and latest releases.