
Missing blog posts?

lbain opened this issue · 2 comments

lbain commented

I'm working on upgrading to Middleman V4 (only one year late!). I had some initial problems with needing my files to have .html as part of the file name, but after that was sorted the main pages of my site were running fine.

However the blog posts are still not building. The index page for the blog builds just fine, but when I click through to look at a particular post I see an empty page. When I build my site the files for each blog post are present, but empty. I don't get any errors in the console, and when I add puts statements to the blog and main layouts they print without issue.

Most of my posts are .html.md though I have a few old .html.haml - neither load. I tried changing a post to just .html and then I could see the raw content of the post, neither converted from markdown (which makes sense as I took away the .md) nor with the main layout html applied.

My blog config options are:

activate :blog do |blog|
  blog.prefix = "blog"
  blog.permalink = "{year}/{title}.html"
  blog.sources = "{year}/{month}-{day}-{title}.html"
  blog.layout = "layouts/blog"
  blog.tag_template = "blog/tag.html"
  blog.paginate = false

You can find my site here note that this is a branch - I haven't merged to master yet!

Any advice? What additional information would be helpful?

Thanks very much!

lbain commented

Just a quick update from me: I didn't resolve this issue, but I was able to work around it. I believe I was experiencing the same issue as #324 and #322. Based on the insight from @corroded in #322 I converted my layout files from .haml to .erb files. There were a few more changes required, but ultimately I believe that change was the piece I needed.

I will close this issue since #322 is tracking the Haml layout issue already.

Did you try with this setting

    blog.default_extension = ".haml"