
Localization (feedback): default dir structure not obvious from docs given

casaper opened this issue · 5 comments


The doc didn't tell me that I will usually want to make a source/localizable/index.html.erb with activate :i18n, langs: [:de, :en, :it, :fr], mount_at_root: :de in order to really get the right properties from my 'locales/xy.yml` files.

I was trying and trying again with millions of different variants of source/en/index.html.erb, source/index.en.html.erb or source/locales/en/index.html.erb and many different possibilities in config.rb.

As I'm not competent to document this any better, I do not have a decent suggestion how this could be explained better. But I can tell for sure, that there is and will be others not understanding it in the way it is documented now.

A experienced rails-dev that was helping me, was also taking quite some time to debug his way with pry and step by step to the conclusion that source/localizable/ is not only thought for language specific layouts...

Is this line:

Localizable templates live in the source/localizable folder by default (see below on how to change this option). Each template in that folder will have access to the I18n helper.” from the i18n documentation

…not clear?

Do you think showing a standard directory structure for i18n with Middleman, like we do in “Directory Structure”, would help?

Yes, I think something in that manner would have have lead me to the right structure straight away.

Great. Feel free to submit a PR, otherwise I will look into within the next few days or so.

I'll have to see if I'll have spare time to do so. But my PR may be containing some typos, as english is not my first language.

Ok, how about jus adding this?