
Confusing instructions in section "Prepare Clover Folder"

BraveSentry opened this issue · 0 comments

In said section, you write

Open drivers > UEFI, delete everything, BUT ApfsDriverLoader - OcQuirks - FwRuntimeServices - HFSPlus

The next step is to copy AptioMemoryFix or HFSPlus from drivers > off, if missing.

One of those is in the list of files to keep, one isn't, which leaves me confused. Do I need AptioMemoryFix now or don't I?! Maybe something like this would make it clearer:

Open drivers > UEFI. it should contain these files: ApfsDriverLoader - OcQuirks - FwRuntimeServices - HFSPlus [ - AptioMemoryFix ?].
If it contains anything else, delete it. If any of the files are missing, copy and paste them from drivers > off

Edit: One more thing. There is no OcQuirks file to be found anywhere in the lzma currently in here https://github.com/Dids/clover-builder/releases/tag/v2.5k_r5092 Is there anywhere else I might get that file?