
Support for Google Cloud Storage

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Are there any plans to support Google Cloud Storage?

It looks like no special support is required. Google says in “Migrating from Amazon S3 to Google Cloud Storage”:

  • Change the request endpoint to use the Google Cloud Storage request endpoint.
  • Replace the Amazon Web Services (AWS) access and secret key with the corresponding Google Cloud Storage access key and secret key (collectively called your Google developer key).

Have you tried this?

You’ll need to set HALCYON_S3_ENDPOINT for the request endpoint, HALCYON_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for the access key, and HALCYON_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for the secret key.

Finally, there’s HALCYON_S3_BUCKET, which I assume you’ll also need to set.

I haven't tried it yet - will take a look tomorrow. Cheers!

@opensourcegeek: Any updates?

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