
Undefined namespace prefix at 'http' before '/'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Kdyz pustim CR 0.4 (6.4.) na virtuoso a konfiguraci viz http://ld.opendata.cz/crDumpProblems
tak mi to neskonci chybou viz bug "Exception:virtuoso.jdbc3.VirtuosoException: SR491: Too many open statements", ale skonci to zas chybou:

Database error
virtuoso.jdbc3.VirtuosoException: SQ074: Line 44: SP030: SPARQL compiler, line
15: Undefined namespace prefix at 'http' before '/'

Tedy to vypada, ze v nejakem SPARQL query mas http:// misto http://. Mrknes na to prosim?

Caused by a trailing space in URI <http://contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/www.english-herigate.org.uk >. The cause is probably in Virtuoso. Hotfix in version 5.0.2

Confirmed error in input data