Windows 10 .JS error
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Have you tried with completely different files? Like big bucks bunny or something similar.
Also could you run this on the command line using the included ffprobe.exe:
/path/to/LosslessCut/resources/app.asar.unpacked/ffprobe.exe -of json -show_format -i /path/to/your/file.mp4
And post what it prints out.
thanks for your response, i actually managed to get to the bottom of the problem, comodo antivirus has quite an aggressive sandbox and it was sandboxing a few of the files, which gave the resulting error when lossless cut was run, might be worth adding a recomendation to check antivirus etc is not blocking files in event of error etc, apart from that, it is running brilliantly now, good job !
Thanks, i added to readme.