Doesn't open on Windows 10
NunoMouraz opened this issue · 10 comments
Tried x32 and x64, it just basically closes itself automatically or something, it shows up on task manager for a split second and then vanishes.
Tried compatibility mode, executing as admin and to no avail.
Please fix.
Check again, I have no problem with Windows x64 system.
I had just problems with the start script but solved them with the following code:
"name": "lossless-cut",
"version": "1.9.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "electron dist",
"watch": "npm run build && babel src -d dist --copy-files -w",
"build": "rd /s /q dist && babel src -d dist --copy-files && mklink /d ..\\node_modules dist\\ && mklink /d ..\\package.json .\\dist\\",
"download-ffmpeg": "bash ./scripts/ffmpeg-dl/",
"extract-ffmpeg": "bash ./scripts/ffmpeg-dl/",
"copy-ffmpeg": "rd /s /q dist/ffmpeg && mkdir dist/ffmpeg && cp ffmpeg-tmp/binaries/${PLATFORM}_${ARCH}/* dist/ffmpeg",
"package-single": "npm run copy-ffmpeg && electron-packager dist LosslessCut --out=package --asar.unpackDir=ffmpeg --overwrite --platform=${PLATFORM} --arch=${ARCH} --icon=icon-dist/${ICON} --app-copyright='Copyright (c) 2017 Mikael Finstad' --win32metadata.CompanyName=mifi --win32metadata.FileDescription=LosslessCut --win32metadata.OriginalFilename=LosslessCut.exe --win32metadata.ProductName=LosslessCut --win32metadata.InternalName=LosslessCut",
"package:darwin_x64": "PLATFORM=darwin ARCH=x64 ICON=app.icns npm run package-single",
"package:win32_ia32": "PLATFORM=win32 ARCH=ia32 ICON=app.ico npm run package-single",
"package:win32_x64": "PLATFORM=win32 ARCH=x64 ICON=app.ico npm run package-single",
"package:linux_ia32": "PLATFORM=linux ARCH=ia32 ICON=app.ico npm run package-single",
"package:linux_x64": "PLATFORM=linux ARCH=x64 ICON=app.ico npm run package-single",
"zip": "(cd package && rm -f LosslessCut-*.zip && for f in LosslessCut-*; do zip -r --symlinks \"$f\".zip \"$f\"; done)",
"icon-gen": "icon-gen -i src/icon.svg -o ./icon-dist -r",
"package": "npm run package:darwin_x64 && npm run package:win32_ia32 && npm run package:win32_x64 && npm run package:linux_ia32 && npm run package:linux_x64 && npm run zip",
"release": "gh-release -a package/,package/,package/,package/,package/",
"gifify": "gifify -p 405:299 -r 5@3",
"lint": "eslint --ext .jsx --ext .js .",
"clean": "rd /s /q dist ffmpeg-tmp/extracted ffmpeg-tmp/binaries package",
"clean-ffmpeg": "rd /s /q ffmpeg-tmp/archives"
NunoMouraz - Do you use MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner by any change? I notices that those two make Losseless Cut crashing. Also PowerDirector crashes with them running in the background (program for editing that I use).
No I don't use RivaTuner. I still can't start it. Maybe some sort of coding library is required? (Visual C++, Basic, Python...)
Edit: Is it only hapenning to me?
Well... I have been using it on a few different machines and never had any problem. Do you have all updates from windows installed?
But how did you get it managed without replacing the linux based commands like "rm -rf" or "ln -s"?
Works fine, with rivatuner and afterburner, too... No modifications to the start script. Just works out of the box. Sorry :(
I'm having the exact same issue. It just suddenly stopped working. May appear for a split second in Task Manager. No crash log and I saw nothing in the event viewer.
Things I've done in the last week: Update my graphics driver, update my BIOS, move my OS from an SSD to an M.2 Drive, update a bunch of motherboard-related drivers, reinstall premiere pro.
Could u try to run it from the command line and see if any error? Or try to download electron version 8 and run it and see if that crashes too
I had tried from command line as well. Today it started working again.
Oh, I know what happened, I fixed the permissions of my TEMP folder yesterday (somehow I was no longer in the allowed users), because I noticed another app, which I know creates an executable in TEMP, was giving me errors.
So I guess LosslessCut just failed silently in that case. Fixing the permissions fixed the issue.
thanks for reporting bakc