
It completely breaks App in IE11 (using Light)

edoTGTG opened this issue · 8 comments

It'll throw a "SCRIPT1004: Expected ';' ". Very likely to be because of a FOR...IN loop https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55025430/script1004-expected-occuring-in-for-loop-ie-browser

Also, the Light package includes React 16... Why is that?


mifi commented

Im not sure where in the code there is a for-in. Can you please elaborate?
Also where do you see that react 16 is included? If you see package.json react16||17 is a peer dependency so it is not included.
IE11 is not really high priority to support but if it’s an simple fix im open for a PR.


Line 14
for (var key in source) {

Line 46
`/** @license React v16.13.1

mifi commented

Are you using create-react-app? If so, see here for how to add support for ie11: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55967048/how-do-i-support-ie-11-with-create-react-app-3-0

As for why react is included in the dist, I'm looking into that.

Unfortunately not, we have an "old" app from 2 years ago, built the regular way. Lottie unfortunately is the only breaking our solution on IE11. Not even the latest react 17.0.2 does :/

mifi commented

Oh I see. But does normal lottie-web without react-lottie-player work in IE11?

Good question. I saw that they are supposedly supporting it, but opening lottiefiles.com on IE11 shows no animations and some errors.

mifi commented

If you can make lottie-web work on IE11, but reqct-lottie-player fails, then we can look into what’s causing it.

I setup a pen and tested it on IE11. It works flawlessly when using Lottie light from their CDN https://codepen.io/edotgtg/pen/BaZeONa