Unable to play backwards with Next.js
rosscturner opened this issue · 5 comments
Thanks for a great package. Have been using it a few months and it's been working great. https://lightmillmedia.com. The menu icon on the site is a Lottie animation. Plays forwards onClick and reversed on the second click. The live site is on an older version of the package.
Initially I used CRA to bootstrap the project and all is working fine. Now I'm migrating to Next.js and while my animations work I can no longer play them backwards onClick, they just jump to frame zero. I can only get them to play backwards if loop is enabled but this also leads to the animation jumping about.
Is there a reason this would be the case when using Next. I have updated to the most recent version but the issue persists. Any help would be appreciated , thanks!
Hi. Could you make a reproduceable minimal example in something like codesandbox?
@mifi here's a previously working example that no longer works. Should play in reverse on the second click.
@mifi hi again. I've realised now that with package v1.0.1-v1.2 the example above works. v1.3.0 and above breaks backwards playback. Is this something I'm doing wrong in my code or is it a bug in the package?
I changed the code to this, and now it works:
const openMenu = () => {
const closeMenu = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
and added this:
onComplete={() => setPlay(false)}
the issues were:
- you were flipping setSegmentFrom/setSegmentTo every time you toggle
- play never got set to false so setting to true did not trigger any react effect as it was always true
@mifi great, this works on the latest version. My code was a workaround for 1.2 and below. Thanks again for your help.