goTo flashing first frame by default when other frames are specified
Rajdeepc opened this issue · 3 comments
Rajdeepc commented
I have a lottie.json which have below markers
"markers": [
{ "tm": 0, "cm": "{\r\"name\":\"remove_background\"\r}", "dr": 25 },
{ "tm": 25, "cm": "{\r\"name\":\"removing_background\"\r}", "dr": 25 },
{ "tm": 50, "cm": "{\r\"name\":\"restore_background\"\r}", "dr": 25 },
{ "tm": 75, "cm": "{\r\"name\":\"loop_preloader_gradient\"\r}", "dr": 50 },
{ "tm": 125, "cm": "{\r\"name\":\"loop_preloader_bright\"\r}", "dr": 50 }
And I am trying to load the "loop_preloader_gradient " marker like named markers.
import Lottie from 'react-lottie-player';
function LoopyPreloader({ animationData, goTo }) {
return (
goTo={goTo} // loop_preloader_gradient
style={{ width: 68, height: 68 }}
This causes a 2 seconds blink of "remove_background" animation and then renders "loop_preloader_gradient"
mifi commented
Hi. Could you make a codesandbox or similar that shows the issue?
Does the same issue happen with lottie-web or does it work with that?
Rajdeepc commented
@mifi Checked with lottie-web. Same issue.
mifi commented
Then I would file an issue at lottie-web instead, because react-lottie-player is merely a wrapper around lottie-web, so not much we can do about lottie-web bugs