TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Hey all,
Currently trying to mint a one-off CNFT using this amazing repo, but seem to run into an issue when attempting the minting process. More specifically, here is the error message I get when running my minting script:
minting.action.forEach((mint, index, arr) => {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at exports.mintToString (/<MY-PATH>/node_modules/cardanocli-js/helper.js:145:18)
at CardanocliJs.transactionBuildRaw (/<MY-PATH>/node_modules/cardanocli-js/index.js:854:39)
at buildTransaction (/<MY-PATH>/src/mint-asset.js:99:25)
at Object.<anonymous> (/<MY-PATH>/src/mint-asset.js:110:13)
See actual minting script below:
const cardano = require("./cardano")
// 1. Get the wallet
const wallet = cardano.wallet("<MY-WALLET-NAME>");
// 2. Define mint script
const mintScript = {
type: "all",
scripts: [
slot: 49483967,
type: "before"
keyHash: cardano.addressKeyHash(wallet.name),
type: "sig"
// 3. Create POLICY_ID
const POLICY_ID = cardano.transactionPolicyid(mintScript)
// 4. Define ASSET_NAME
const ASSET_NAME = "TestCNFT001"
// 5. Create ASSET_ID
// 6. Define metadata
const metadata = {
721: {
image: "ipfs://<IPFS-HASH>",
description: "Test CNFT 001",
type: "image/png",
// 7. Define transaction
const tx = {
txIn: wallet.balance().utxo,
txOut: [
address: wallet.paymentAddr,
value: { ...wallet.balance().value, [ASSET_ID]: 1 }
mint: {
actions: [{ type: "mint", quantity: 1, asset: ASSET_ID }],
script: [mintScript]
witnessCount: 2
// 8. Build transaction
const buildTransaction = (tx) => {
const raw = cardano.transactionBuildRaw(tx)
const fee = cardano.transactionCalculateMinFee({
txBody: raw
tx.txOut[0].value.lovelace -= fee
return cardano.transactionBuildRaw({ ...tx, fee })
const raw = buildTransaction(tx)
// 9. Sign transaction
const signTransaction = (wallet, tx) => {
return cardano.transactionSign({
signingKeys: [wallet.payment.skey, wallet.payment.skey],
txBody: tx
const signed = signTransaction(wallet, raw)
// 10. Submit transaction
const txHash = cardano.transactionSubmit(signed)
Any clues as to why this error is being triggered?
Just got this same error when I tried to mint an nft as well...
line 145 >
instead of minting.action
Has been updated 4 days ago, update and the above fix was added :)
I am still getting an error when trying to mint my NFT. Code is pretty much the same as above. Getting even after I replace mint.action with mint.actions. I even cloned your repo and imported the index.js to make sure the versioning is appropriate. Not sure what the issue is. Should I open a separate issue?
They have updated their code beyond that. It's different and I haven't gotten back into using this yet.
So the code that I mentioned doesn't work anymore. It did, then they changed it. If you notice the 'actions' isn't there anymore, it's minting.forEach instead of minting.actions.forEach so... you'll have to look through the code and figure out what it's doing. Fix it and maybe do a pull request. I stopped using this until they update it further.
Hi @dlm001 ,
You can find a working example at examples/mintMA.js
. After the upgrade for supporting multi-assets, you need to specify an array.
const tx = {
txIn: wallet.balance().utxo,
txOut: [
address: wallet.paymentAddr,
value: { ...wallet.balance().value, [BERRYCOIN]: 100 },
mint: [
{ action: "mint", quantity: 100, asset: BERRYCOIN, script: mintScript },
witnessCount: 2,