marker.popup doesn't see close element
KindarConrath opened this issue · 1 comments
KindarConrath commented
I have the following code
<LeafletMap @lat={{40.529328}} @lng={{-112.139893}} @zoom={{13}} as |layers|>
<layers.image @url="/assets/images/mine.png" @bounds={{this.mapBounds}} />
<layers.marker @lat={{40.561220}} @lng={{-112.142008}} as |marker|>
and the compiler fails with the following message.
Closing tag </layers.marker> did not match last open tag <marker.popup> (on line 1):
| </layers.marker>
I have been trying to figure out why it won't recognize it, the code is almost 1-for-1 with the examples in your documentation. But it seems to be ignoring the </marker.popup> for some reason.
KindarConrath commented
Issue is related to EmblemJS, apologies.