Documentatiojn for @popupOpen?
MichalBryxi opened this issue · 1 comments
I noticed that on the they're just templates documentation page, there is marker.popup
argument @popupOpen
<LeafletMap as |layers|>
<layers.marker as |marker|>
<marker.popup @popupOpen={{this.isPopupOpen}}>
I tried to find documentation for this attribute on marker layer and popup-layer, but without any luck. The source code seems to mention in in base-layer, but that one does not contain this property either. Moreover it's not obvious where does <marker.popup>
come from - where should I be looking at?
Is this a missing piece of documentation or am I just looking at the wrong spot?
The source code seems to mention in in base-layer
That's the onPopupopen
action. Not related with the popup layer's @popupOpen
I added that argument documentation on the <PopupLayer />
Moreover it's not obvious where does <marker.popup> come from - where should I be looking at?
I also added docs to the components that the InteractiveLayer
yields (which MarkerLayer, ImageLayer and PathLayer extend from).
The API docs could be improved, for sure. With more examples and detail on everything. PRs are welcome!