
add build support for ppc64/ppc64le

classilla opened this issue · 4 comments

It works pretty much out of the box with this POWER9 Linux machine in little-endian mode (haven't tested big-endian yet), just needed defines for SYS_CPU and sysFtrNumProcessorPPC64LE. Do these values seem good to you? If so, I'll make a pull request.

diff --git a/src/PalmOS/Core/System/SystemMgr.h b/src/PalmOS/Core/System/SystemMgr.h
index 643a098..8c8696a 100644
--- a/src/PalmOS/Core/System/SystemMgr.h
+++ b/src/PalmOS/Core/System/SystemMgr.h
@@ -753,16 +753,18 @@ typedef struct SysExtPrefsType {
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorARM920T      0x00120000              // ARM920T
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorARM922T      0x00130000              // ARM922T
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorARM925       0x00140000              // ARM925
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorStrongARM    0x00150000              // StrongARM
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorXscale       0x00160000              // Xscale
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorARM710A      0x00170000              // ARM710A
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorARM925T      0x00180000              // ARM925T
 #define        sysFtrNumProcessorx86           0x01000000              // Intel CPU            (Palm Simulator)
+#define sysFtrNumProcessorPPC64LE      0x02000000              // PowerPC64 in little-endian mode
+#define sysFtrNumProcessorPPC64                0x02100000              // PowerPC64 in big-endian mode (NYI)
 // The following sysFtrNumProcessorIs68K(x) and sysFtrNumProcessorIsARM(x)
 // macros are intended to be used to test the value returned from a call to
 //    FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumProcessorID, &value);
 // in order to determine if the code being executed is running on a 68K or ARM processor.
 #define sysFtrNumProcessor68KIfZero    0xFFF00000   // 68K if zero; not 68K if non-zero
 #define sysFtrNumProcessorIs68K(x)     (((x&sysFtrNumProcessor68KIfZero)==0)? true : false)
diff --git a/src/common.mak b/src/common.mak
index 864a121..937e920 100644
--- a/src/common.mak
+++ b/src/common.mak
@@ -31,16 +31,19 @@ else ifeq ($(MACHINE),x86_32)
 else ifeq ($(MACHINE),i686)
 else ifeq ($(MACHINE),i386)
+else ifeq ($(MACHINE),ppc64le)
 $(error Unknown CPU $(MACHINE))
 ifeq ($(OSNAME),)
 OSNAME := $(shell uname -o)
diff --git a/src/libpumpkin/FeatureMgr.c b/src/libpumpkin/FeatureMgr.c
index 65d53ca..d279a91 100644
--- a/src/libpumpkin/FeatureMgr.c
+++ b/src/libpumpkin/FeatureMgr.c
@@ -70,16 +70,19 @@ Err FtrGet(UInt32 creator, UInt16 featureNum, UInt32 *valueP) {
         case sysFtrNumProcessorID:
 #if SYS_CPU == 1
           *valueP = sysFtrNumProcessorARM720T;
           err = errNone;
 #elif SYS_CPU == 2
           *valueP = sysFtrNumProcessorx86;
           err = errNone;
+#elif SYS_CPU == 3
+          *valueP = sysFtrNumProcessorPPC64LE;
+          err = errNone;
         case sysFtrNumLanguage:
           *valueP = lEnglish;
           err = errNone;
         case sysFtrNumNotifyMgrVersion:
           *valueP = sysNotifyVersionNum;

Unrelated to this, probably: Bejeweled! runs great, but I tried running Plua2RT and OverbitePalm and it actually crashes the emulator (Plua2RT says trap EncDigestMD5 not implemented; OverbitePalm says Fatal alert storage.c, getdb, Line:866: invalid db and/or segfaults the emulator). But it's still a lot of fun to play in.

The changes you propose seem good. Nice to know it works on a completely different CPU! You may proceed with your pull request.
Plua2 does not run on PumpkinOS yet (but PumpkinOS has built-in Lua support, so it kind of compensate for that). I don't know OverbitePalm, I will take a look when time permits.

Overbite Palm is my Plua2 gopher client, https://github.com/classilla/overbitepalm

It might have something to do with the runtime not working, so it's not a huge deal right now, but it would be fun to test the networking with it.

Closing, since this seems to work fine.